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The field of violence against women is still evolving and there is no unanimity yet on how best to define it.

The term has been used to describe a number of acts including rape and sexual assault, sexual harassment, murder,...

When the Ministry of Health and Child Care initiated free cancer screening country wide, Harare was no exception.

Women from all walks of life attended and it was well received, especially during this time when a lot of people...

When people divorce, usually there is a lot of acrimony between the divorcing parties since there are a lot of issues that are supposed to be worked at upon divorce. There are accusations and counter accusations of who could have caused...

The field of violence against women is still evolving and there is still no unanimity yet on how the term violence against women can be best defined.

The term has been used to describe a number of acts including rape, sexual and...

Child marriages are marriages that involve persons below the age of 18 years. These marriages can either be voluntary or involuntary. Child marriages can involve an adult and a child or minor or it may involve both minors. These...

The importance of paid work in the lives of many people makes the conditions of employment of utmost importance. The right to protection of health and to safety in working conditions, including the safeguarding of the function of...

KUSHUNGURUDZWA nenzira yebonde kunoreva kubatwa chibharo kana kuedza kuita zvinhu zvinogumisira zvakonzera nyaya dzechibharo pachishandiswa chisimba, hudzvanyiriri nekusaenzaniswa kwemikana.

Zvinoreva zvakare kuedza kuda kuwana...

There has been an ongoing debate about the implications of Section 40 of the current draft Marriages Bill. This Bill is yet to be gazetted and it must be emphasised that as an unofficial Bill, it is susceptible to alterations. It...

The process of writing a will, which is a person’s testament of how they intend to have their assets distributed at death has a bearing on those who are left behind, particularly the spouse and the children.

The person who writes...

On  the 15th of October 2018, the world commemorated the International Day of the Rural Woman under the theme “sustainable infrastructure, services and social protection for gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls.”...
